Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissue surrounding the tooth. The periodontium means “surrounding the tooth” and “itis” signifies inflammation. The inflammation is usually chronic and does not involve pain.
Do gums always bleed if you have periodontitis?
No. The inflammation begins in the small spaces between the teeth which are difficult to clean. Therefore, regular check-ups are important.
Is periodontitis hereditary?
The inclination to lose edentate tissue may be hereditary. But not the disease. The inflammation is caused by bacteria.
Will loose teeth reattach after periodontitis treatment?
Immediately after the treatment the teeth might become even more loose. However, if they are firmly anchored in the jaw, they will reattach themselves and become much firmer.
What is bleaching?
Bleaching lightens the colour of individual or all teeth. Dead teeth can also be lightened. The treatment takes about 90 minutes and the results are visible immediately. It is a gentle method which does not affect the enamel.
Is prophylaxis necessary?
Yes. One to three times a year, the teeth need to be professionally cleaned, as many areas cannot be reached any other way. And a clean tooth is not prone to disease.
How important is prophylaxis for children?
Very important. In our tooth brushing school we teach children what they have to know about oral hygiene at an early age.
What are veneers?
Veneers are extremely thin ceramic shells in the desired colour to correct the shape or position of a tooth.
How long will a veneer last?
Veneers normally last up to 10 years. They are robust and durable. They are made by our highly experienced dental laboratories.
Can I test how veneers would look on my teeth?
Yes. The desired tooth situation can be simulated by attaching a plastic cover to the tooth.
What are composites?
Composites are modern fillings made from a plastic-ceramic composite, which leave the healthy substance of the teeth untouched. They can be used to change the shape of a tooth and optimise aesthetics.
Do teeth that have been shaped with composites still look natural?
Yes. Composites are available in a wide variety of colours and in various degrees of transparency.
How long does a composite last?
Depending on the strain, a composite lasts five to ten years or longer. Those who often tend to grind their teeth should wear a mouth guard at night.
What is the advantage of ceramic inlays?
They are safer and more preserving for the teeth than gold, for instance.
How visible does a tooth alignment device have to be?
There is a wide variety of orthodontic brackets available. From almost invisible plastic aligners to fixed transparent ceramic brackets that can even be attached to the inside of the teeth.
Can adults also have their teeth corrected?
Yes. Due to the increasing sense for aesthetics, orthodontic corrections for teeth are becoming more and more common, also for adults.
What is an implant?
An implant is an artificial dental root which is implanted in the jaw in surgery.
Are implants recommendable?
Implants are the most natural replacement for lost teeth.
How long does an implant treatment take?
This depends on the bones in each person’s jaw. An implant should heal for at least three months before an artificial dental crown is fixed to the implant.
Which teeth can be replaced?
All teeth can be replaced.
Is it a problem if your jaw makes a cracking noise?
Not necessarily. Sometimes it is not a problem and there is nothing you can do about it.
If I have the feeling that I do not bite correctly, do I have to see a doctor?
Yes. This can lead to CMD (Craniomandibular Dysfunction). The abnormal occlusion should be corrected.
What is CMD?
CMD (Craniomandibular Dysfunction) refers to a disorder when the upper and the lower jaw do not work together properly, which may lead to pain in the jaw joint or face and tension in the neck area.
How can you prevent grinding your teeth at night?
You cannot just stop yourself from grinding. However, a mouth guard worn at night can protect your teeth and periodontium.
Praxis für ästhetische Zahngesundheit
Dr. Leisentritt